Winter's back! Temperature's crept down to seasonal standards; around 5ish degrees. Which I guess is alright, alTHOUGH it was quite delish with +12 and sun. My lungs hurt yesterday when I went for a run (read: dragged my derrière around the forest) - less pleasant. But hey, gotta keep that exercise-regime tight, or else NOT a successful GBGvarv at all...
Friday night was spent in front of the computer until two AM (while baby-sitting, I am a fan of multi-tasking) tapping away at one of my two remaining bookreports; Balzac. I did get a lot done, so I'm quite content, however dead I was the day after. A day which, on the other hand, was spent in a quite morbid fashion; me and Amanda went touristing and visited Père Lachaise graveyard, where the tombs of all the greats can be found; Molière, Chopin, Piaf, Apollinaire and of course Morrison. Visited monsieur Honoré de Balzac himself, and read some to him out of Le père Goriot (one of the books I'm working on), hope he enjoyed it. Sure he did. He seemed pleased enough. But man was it spooky there! Even had crows sitting in the trees, crowing away. You'd think they added them, just for effect. It worked.
Saturday night we explored le Bastille, said to be known for its many bars, but we didn't really find...that many. Bit disappointed actually, although we weren't really in the mood for great party-tricks anyways. Took the last nighttrain home, around 12.30, rather reasonable hour I do say! No, I haven't gone dull, it's my non-existing economy that wears me down. No money=the biggest partypooper ever. This weekend is pay week-end though; thus I will reclaim my old self and go out big time.
Have started on my last project on the B-course; a "dissertation" (don't know the English word for that, critical essay perhaps?) on Madame Bovary - classic! It's quite a fun read, so I'm excited, but rather antsy to get it done - as are my teachers I'm sure! Breathing down my neck to get all these effing essays in... Well, take a number.
Furthermore, la vie parisienne is great. Have a few weekendtrips planned in Spring, for example Brussels on the 1st of March, don't know what I'll find there, but I guess it's just one of those places one has to see? And perhaps going to Cannes the WE after, more about that later.
So, it's not just all work and no play for me, which is good since I'd probably die of boredom otherwise. Some Very Important Dates (VID) for me, in the nearest future, are:
11 February - Sorbonne courses start (yikes)
15 February - Dad gets his brainscan back (anxiety)
1-2 March - Brussels (but you already know that)
18 April - the Test (with a capital T), entrance to my masters (not at all nervewrecking)
28 April-4 May - going to St Lunaire, Bretagne
16 May - going home to Sweden, 17th is D-day for the Varv (oh yeah)
There, now you know what's up. I'll add if there are any changes. Keep reading and I'll keep blogging (a bit more frequent, I promise).
Gros BISOUS from Paris
Friday night was spent in front of the computer until two AM (while baby-sitting, I am a fan of multi-tasking) tapping away at one of my two remaining bookreports; Balzac. I did get a lot done, so I'm quite content, however dead I was the day after. A day which, on the other hand, was spent in a quite morbid fashion; me and Amanda went touristing and visited Père Lachaise graveyard, where the tombs of all the greats can be found; Molière, Chopin, Piaf, Apollinaire and of course Morrison. Visited monsieur Honoré de Balzac himself, and read some to him out of Le père Goriot (one of the books I'm working on), hope he enjoyed it. Sure he did. He seemed pleased enough. But man was it spooky there! Even had crows sitting in the trees, crowing away. You'd think they added them, just for effect. It worked.
Saturday night we explored le Bastille, said to be known for its many bars, but we didn't really find...that many. Bit disappointed actually, although we weren't really in the mood for great party-tricks anyways. Took the last nighttrain home, around 12.30, rather reasonable hour I do say! No, I haven't gone dull, it's my non-existing economy that wears me down. No money=the biggest partypooper ever. This weekend is pay week-end though; thus I will reclaim my old self and go out big time.
Have started on my last project on the B-course; a "dissertation" (don't know the English word for that, critical essay perhaps?) on Madame Bovary - classic! It's quite a fun read, so I'm excited, but rather antsy to get it done - as are my teachers I'm sure! Breathing down my neck to get all these effing essays in... Well, take a number.
Furthermore, la vie parisienne is great. Have a few weekendtrips planned in Spring, for example Brussels on the 1st of March, don't know what I'll find there, but I guess it's just one of those places one has to see? And perhaps going to Cannes the WE after, more about that later.
So, it's not just all work and no play for me, which is good since I'd probably die of boredom otherwise. Some Very Important Dates (VID) for me, in the nearest future, are:
11 February - Sorbonne courses start (yikes)
15 February - Dad gets his brainscan back (anxiety)
1-2 March - Brussels (but you already know that)
18 April - the Test (with a capital T), entrance to my masters (not at all nervewrecking)
28 April-4 May - going to St Lunaire, Bretagne
16 May - going home to Sweden, 17th is D-day for the Varv (oh yeah)
There, now you know what's up. I'll add if there are any changes. Keep reading and I'll keep blogging (a bit more frequent, I promise).
Gros BISOUS from Paris