lundi 18 février 2008

La Sorbonne

Well well well. Life as a studious student of the Sorbonne has officially started. And... I like it! However, it kicks arse big time, I'm literally positively lost at most of my lectures. Don't think that the professeurs would give you any slack just because you're a poor foreign student - oh no sir! But I'm content, have met some awsome people and it feels so good to actually be doing something useful with my days. Not just hanging around at the Swe church... tsss...
Yesterday the Erasmus association threw a bash - une soirée déguisée (costume party) with the fancy theme "carneval". Me and my new-found friend Danni (from England) bought ourselves some pink featherboas and silvery masks, very dressed up indeed (à la Pride Parade meets trannies). It was all good fun, although I had to leave around midnight Cinderella-style to catch my last train before I turn into a pumpkin (or was I a pumpkin before? Hard to tell, really).
Weather's really nice, we've had lots of sunny days, perfect for pick-nicks in parks and whatnot, strolls in the city - aaahh la belle vie! I do have lots of work though, it's like this big fat clowd of worry, hanging over my head. But I've decided to finish my last Bovary-essay this week, or else! It HAS to be done! Also, since I'm not sick anymore, I'll pick up my excercise-regime, that is a must. Cannot go on like this anymore, or I will turn into a pumpkinshaped piece of meet. No fun whatsoever...
For you guys with Facebook, check out my pictures in the Parisian-album! For the rest, tough shit you won't see any pics...
Alright, until next time, be good!!
Gros bisous

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