mardi 5 février 2008


Oh, have mercy. After six days of absolute acute sickness, I have returned to the land of the living. Can honestly say I've never been this sick - ever! It started Tuesday afternoon with slight quezyness and aches and pains all over; classic flu-symptomes. Had to stay in bed Wed-Sun, couldn't even muster the strength to watch TV, now that means trouble! Saw a doctor Friday morning, coz I couldn't hack it any more, and he said; Madame, this is no ordinary cold, you have "une GROSSE grippe", good luck with the French ferocious flu. So, yes, I was mighty sick, but now I'm feeling a tad better so there's still hope for the poor old girl.

Right, so that's my week so far, Sorbonne's closing up fast and that takes its toll on my nerves, but I will persist and be brave. Wish me luck. Hopefully I have nicer news with the next blog...


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