vendredi 4 avril 2008

Spring is acomin'!

Finally, the rain has ceased and the sun is spreading some merciful rays on Paris with region. Oh yes it is as lovely as it sounds. These past three weeks I've really kickstarted my running, the race is a little more than 40 days away so... better get going eh? Four times a week, that should do it I hope. Went to La Défense shopping centre today and bought new runningshoes (or baskets as they call sport-shoes, hilarious), got a sweet deal since it's "marathon-month" now. Yep on Sunday the Marathon de Paris is on, and no I'm not participating. 21km is enough for me. One day perhaps I'll take on a real one. Not just yet though.
So what else is new, not much I guess. School's really picking up its pace, I have my humungus essay à 15 pages I need to get started with, it's supposed to be finished by May 4th! GAAH! Not stressed out at all, no. And La Sorbonne's also living up to foretold standards, the profs don't tardy with their essays and litterary analyses... my word. Go to bed with a spinning head full of figures and metaphors every night.
Tomorrow I'll répose myself a bit though, go for a run and then coffees with Anika en ville. Later on, to set my mood right what else is better than a good solid Saturday night out with my girls to do the trick? And perhaps one or two male appearances... who knows. More about that later.
Gotta go put the kids to bed, a bit short blog this time, but I really didn't have much to tell! Sad!
Big bisouxxx

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