mardi 15 avril 2008

Crazed dazed and amazed

My my my. It is indeed a sure sign of spring if mademoiselle Stiberg go out, get drunk and get all of her stuff lost. Mhm. Has become somewhat of a tradition. A very unpleasant one, but a tradition nonetheless. Long story short, I went out with my dearest partner in crime, Amanda, two weeks ago, to a club called Showcase and had a blast at first (as always) but somewhere down the road my stuff pulled a number on me and I was left with an empty bag (wallet, camera, phone, metro-pass, the works). Unknown to this point wether someone lifted it out of my bag or not... Peu importance. So, I went to the Commissariat de Police who didn't want to help at first - suggested I should go home and rest and then come back, but since I had no metro-pass and zippo money, how was I supposed to pull that off? They sent me to the Swedish Embassy, 8 o'clock in the morning on a Sunday, yeah really bright, as if that would help me, huh? Even so, I went, and fortunately there was someone there! No other than Gunnar - the ambassador. However, I didn't realise that at the time... He couldn't stay and help me though since he was off for the airport, so he called a lady that would come down. Meanwhile I had caused quite a stir, a really sweet old madame came up to me as I sat in my despair and GAVE me 10 euro - "Here, go and have a coffee, it's on me" - how sweet was she? Also, a Danish woman and two policeofficers joined the group, and as the Embassy-lady came trotting down the street I had attracted a smaller crowd. Oh dear.

It all ended well though. Managed to call my bank from the Embassy, and then got a ride in the police-car, I have to say it felt quite special. Told the officers I'd never been in one before, so they put the sirens on!! It was off the hook... They even ran some red lights, crazy coppers. Left a smallish statement of theft, and thanks to the little donation from the old lady I made it home. Phew.

At the moment, most of my stuff has been replaced and renewed, except for the camera of course. I do believe I'm not supposed to have one, since I keep having them lost or stolen! I'm just gonna face the music and refuse to get a new one. For the time being at least. They sent me an email from the club saying my wallet showed up a couple of days ago, but nothing else. A bit disappointing, even if I didn't count on anything to come back to me.

Friday, my dear old flatmates Cia and Emma are coming to visit! YAY! But first I'm doing an exposé oral for literatureclass, nerve-wrecking, AND a 5 hour exam... Stressful indeed. And now I gotta go to class, but I will report on the weekend events later on.


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