dimanche 25 mai 2008

Two months to go

Woa, time... so swiftly gone by. It's quite hard to grasp that it's nearly June. Last weekend was spent in la magnifique Suède, it was more than gloriously lovely. A bit short, but I reckon I managed to meet up with quite a bunch of people. Did the little half marathon aswell, finished at 2.05 - really pleased and content! Next year I'm aiming for the magical 2 hour limit, oh yeah. Had an inspiring chat with my prof last Monday about my essay on Les Misérables (huge source of concern), she has faith in it, which made me feel a bit more calm but still... there's a long way to go. Gotta finish before my next Sweden-visit (Midsummer's, hurrah!) so hop to it chop chop!

Also, I was totally and unexpectedly blasted with a virus on my MSN not so long ago! Spread to Facebook aswell, so now I'm sorta panicking, I'm useless and crappy with computers, what the F shall I do? If anyone has heard of this before (me sending random links to my contacts while being offline) please tell me. Grateful for any kind of support and tips on that one. And also, should I suddenly start sending something to any of you - delete asap! And I'm sorry, it's not intentional...

Sorbonne classes are almost over, only one more week to go. Feels weird but good that that's done, and sad too. One course went really well, the litterature one, managed to do all the work without failing, but the other one... not so good. Studies on the French language from Antique to contemporate times! It's really complicado, so not entirely unexpected either that I didn't pass it. Even the Frenchies said they had trouble figure that one out, so I'm not the only one.

Speaking of failing, I didn't pass the translation exam either (the 5 hour one), which means my whole future came crashing down in one blow (dramatic). Thus, since I'm not accepted into the translation program for next semester, I have to rethink the next 12 months, find a job wherever, a place to stay... preferably well-paid with great hours and lots of stimulation! Any suggestions? Thing is, I really could do whatever wherever. No real preferences. Simple as that. Yep. Reeaaal easy huh?

On to the good news from Holland; the treatment in Cologne turned out to be rather succesful, with a slight reduction of the tumour! Unbelievable and fantastic news! Still a long way to go, but some hope is restored which feels very good for everyone involved. Phew.

Right, so I have to resume my quest for tickets... might end up leaving France by the aid of my thumb on the side of the road. Intriguing indeed... to be announced!

A plus!

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