mardi 17 juin 2008

Complete change of plans!

As it turns out, I'm not going home in July as planned. In fact I'm staying put here in Paris. Have already found a little studio (very tiny) in the 18th arrondissement and will be able to move in asap! Yay! All I need right now is a job... Which might sound terribly tricky put I'm not too worried. Or should I be? I'm not sure. All in all I have a very good feeling about this though. Am really excited, have never ever lived on my own before. Only with friends or in residential college. So this is definitely going to be a good experience. I'm thrilled!
Will be able to stay on with the family for a while longer, luckily. It'll mean I atleast have some form of income next month. But fret not, I am determined to get myself out there and look viciously for work. Any kind of job really, so if you hear anything about an opening in the Paris area - let me know...
Me moving to my own place of course also entails me being able to house visitors anytime for as long as I wish - thus feel free to come and see me! Only be aware that it's a studio we're talking about... Nothing grand. But I absolutely love it.
School's finished, and so is most of my Uni work, hopefully (depending on my teacher if she'll pass me). Have a couple of things I need to sort out this autumn but that's a later project. I'm to set on finding a job right now, it's hard focusing on other things.
This week-end's Midsummer's and I'm going to Sweden, hurrah! My Mum's sister is getting married on Friday (yes I have indeed bought a dress for the occasion), and on Saturday I'm going out to Brännö to meet up with some dearly beloved friends, a couple of which I haven't seen since before Christmas! My word. Really really looking forward to that.
So I'll try to keep this blog updated on my situation, whether I find work or not, but I should think so. If not... I guess I'll just have to come back home... Naaaah!!

A la prochaine!

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