samedi 6 septembre 2008

A quarter of a century

25 years old. Half way to 50. Older but none the wiser. No that's not fair, I reckon I have gotten a bit wiser. Maybe not since yesterday, but looking back at last year, I have indeed matured. 25 is supposed to be a milestone in a person's life, one is supposed to be accomplished to a certain level, achieved goals, gone places. Have I? Yes and no.
To some extent I'm a bit disappointed I haven't moved further in life, haven't reached my goals as of yet. 5 years ago I was so sure I would have been there by now, education done with and grown-up life well and started. Safe to say it has all been put a little on hold. Not that I'm in a rush or anything, I'll try again next year, but opportunities are running short and I'm definitely not getting any younger.
On the other hand, where am I at this point? In Paris, in my own flat, doing my best to stay afloat and actually doing not too shabby. I mean, surely, at times I struggle and it's not always a walk in the park, but mostly I'm truly happy and content with my situation.
I was in Holland again, Wednesday. Only for 24 hours, because my grandma had passed away Sunday morning. It was all really sad but beautiful in a way, I've never felt so connected to my Dutch family before. Peaceful and nice. I know I will miss my Oma a lot, even if we weren't that close, she was a truly remarkable lady. Hats off for her... and for my Dad, lots of love.
Today will be a tranquil B-day though, coz tomorrow the real stuff is starting, Gymboree session number one. The premiere! I'm scared shitless, but I'm sure it'll be fine once I'm there and in the mood. Right know I'm mostly freaking out, what the hell have I put myself into?
Ok, I will now leave my little nest, do some shopping and bits and bobs. More updates to come I promise!!

Bisous xxx

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