mercredi 24 septembre 2008

Sweet surprises

Who could have known that after having spent almost 5 months in utter financial misery, one would actually get a brake? I don't really know what to call it, divine intervention perhaps, but I know who to thank; the Erasmusoffice. This wonderful organisation just granted me an extra endorsment, an extra little donation for no apparent reason! Thus no need to sweat over all my Swedish bills for the next four months or so, which came as a total surprise, not to mention a major relief! Unfortunately, me being me and therefore not trustworthy with money, I've already started to spend it all in my head (and IRL)... There's just so much I've denied myself these past months, so Monday I had a bit of a pampering day, got myself an haircut (finally!) and bought myself a coat and a bag. I had to. No seriously, I really needed it since I took all my relatively warm clothes back to Sweden in May, seeing as I was sort of planning to move back home... so all I was left with were some measly pathetic excuses for jackets, not enough to keep me warm. And it has gotten a bit cooler, so there, not just irradically shopping like a paria!
Gymboree is now fully on and running like mad, every Sunday morning there I am singing and dancing like nobody's business. Have even done sessions all on my own, which of course freaked me out but finally worked out quite nicely in the end. Surely I do black out every now and then, forget the lyrics or the choreography (yes we do have choreography, you know, up and down, side to side), but all in all it runs smoothly. Except last week when I'd only slept for a couple of hours (for reasons of which I will speak later), and the kids just wouldn't stop screaming and yeah I did forget to sing a couple of songs, but hey, it'll be better! I will do better! It's only my third week for crying out loud.
So, the reason for me being terribly sleep-deprived as of late is, naturally, a boy. I've dated this French guy for a couple of weeks, four and a half to be exact, and it's advancing rather nicely. Or, should I say, seeing as he his French, a bit too fast at times perhaps. But to be fair, I have been single for so long, it's just this whole "exclusive" thing that throws me, or I don't know. Having to share myself with someone else, how does that work exactly? It used to be just me myself and I, doing whatever I wanted whenever. Now I have to consider someone else aswell? Hm. We'll see where this leads. He is a struggling actor, which apparently is really tough in a city like Paris. But dear friends, I will keep you in the loop of things. What would life be without a bit of drama, say?
What else, well my other job's also running really smoothly. I'd even go as far to say that it's become my little haven of peace. No stress whatsoever, if I don't have any costumers I can just chill out, with a book or without, chat with the neighbours and drink some coffee (I have a Columbus Cafe right next door). If there by chance is someone who does want to buy something, they're usually really polite and well-behaved and treats me nicely. So I really can't complain at all! The pay's totally ok aswell, compared to the amount of work I do, plus the benefits are great. Alas, I do tend to eat a lot of candy... very naughty. Haven't done ANY sports since the 14th of July, except last Saturday when I was in Louveciennes, I actually managed to go out for some 45 mins jogging in the woods. Other than that, I should be ashamed of myself. But I'm constantly looking for a gym, there is one at Aquaboulevard where I do Gymboree but it's ridiculously expensive. The quest continues...
Yes, I was in Louveciennes this weekend and saw my kids again, haven't seen them for 6 weeks! It was truly delightful to hug them all again, it scares me how quickly they grow up. Little Valentine speaks like no tomorrow, it's amazing. Felt good to be out of the city a bit, to breath some fresh air and see some nature. Haven't had any real summerish feelings this year, do indeed miss all that. But oh well, that's the price one has to pay for living in Paris, poor poor little estranged Parisian girl.
Totally planning on going home in the end of October to visit!! Hopefully I'll be able to take some days off since Gymboree'll be closed, but that is to be announced. Won't get my hopes up too much though, but just in case, you should encircle the dates 26/10-2/11 in your agendas...

Until next time,
love always

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