mardi 25 novembre 2008

Jingle all the way to hell

November's coming to and end, unbelievable! Today in one week we're well and good into December, and I have absolutely no X-mas longing whatsoever. That surely comes from the fact that I refuse to celebrate Christmas this year, since I won't be able to go home. Yeah, really sad, I know. The reasons for this are A: didn't get time off from work, and B: tickets cost more than half a month's rent, and I just cannot do it. But I have decided to screw all that X-mas nonsense (yes I am indeed quite bitter about it...), and just give myself a lot of treats. Starting by signing up for a gym next to where I live! Went there last week for a trial-session and oh, it was all I'd ever ask for. They even had Les Mills programs there... I was in heaven for about an hour and a half (and yes I am easy to please). Treat number two; got myself a new mobile phone with a camera. Finally I might be able to post some more pictures on my blog!
Work's work, nothing exiting on that front. I upped my hours in the little candyshop from 30 to 35 hours a week, which might not sound like a that big of a deal, but in fact it makes quite a difference. Longer days, even though just an hour, however fatter pay! Yay! Hopefully I will soon be able to kick back a bit and just enjoy life instead of always living on the edge of finances...
What else is new? Well I freed myself from my other half, who became more than that and completely invaded my life. So I realised one day, no in fact this will not work out for me, it's either him or me! And of course I chose me. Otherwise I would be standing here dead. Ok I'm exaggerating, just a wee bit.
No idea when I'll be able to go back to la Suède again, but this one's certain; I am now 100 percent sure that I'll run in Göteborgsvarvet 2009! This one I'll try doing in 2hrs, which means a 6 min improvement. Yikes! But I will do it! It's on the 16th of May. Be there and cheer!

Bisous, C

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