mardi 2 décembre 2008

Joy to the world, the plans are changed!

Every now and then one is struck by a terrific idea. A notion that, however hopeless a situation might seem, there is always a way out. After having feltcompletely drained and utterly disgusted by the fact that I would have to spend Christmas eve all on my own-some, I was suddeny hit by it! No! I shall not! Since I'm going to Lille (in the north of France) on the 23rd for a meeting that will take most of the day, why not just continue going north, to Holland? Yes, that is what I must do. So there you have it, the 23rd will be spent in Maasland at my Dad's and then I'll pursue my ultimate destination and hit Amsterdam on the 24th, joining Damir and Anika, my dearly parisian friends. Not too shabby indeed. Anika promised there'd be a tree and everything! Oh holy blissfulness of jolly companionship! I love my friends, I really really do. And what a relief not having to spend Christmas in Paris, what would I do? What would I eat? Probably McDonald's. And that is so not ok.
All I wanted to add this time, in case someone was feeling sorry for me...

Until next time! xxx

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