lundi 15 décembre 2008

Overdose on oranges

*sniff sniff
Have just recuperated from a touch of cold, and therefore decided this morning to go to the gym! Lo and behold! It was just as wonderful as I thought it would be, shiny machines and glistening bodies as far as the eye could see... Downside to it all was that I'm completely out of shape. To think that I, not too long ago (May), managed to run as far as 21kms without stopping, it's ridiculous. And truly heart-breaking. Made it half an hour on the tread-mill (do they put glue on the floor?), had to stop before entering into a state of cardiac seizure. But it felt good, or it does now atleast.
Hanging out at work, yes that is how I spend my days. Chat with neighbours and the occasional client, other than that there's not that much to do. So I blog away my afternoons! And eat oranges, I've heard they're supposed to be efficient in boosting the immune system (surely 7 should suffice to cover the daily need?). Suits me just fine.
This week'll be mighty hectic though. Work today and tomorrow, with a soirée pyjama at Gymboree tomorrow night; 20 kids high on sugar to amuse and animate for an hour! I love my work, I love my work, I love it, love it... Oh well, I'll be able to imagine what it would be like to be Father Christmas for an evening, to see all those sparkling expecting eyes gazing hopefully up on you. Or it might turn me into the grinch. Those who'll live shall see. Furthermore I work Wednesday and all day Friday, Saturday, Sunday... No holidays for me! Oh that's not true! Mustn't forget the "almost-two-days-in-a-row" next week when I'm going to Holland! Yay!
New Year's Eve. Ah the pressure, the anxiety. Must find party. Must dress up nicely. Must find attractive man to kiss at midnight. To hell with that. I'm working the 31st until 19h so I'll be able to make it to some kind of soirée, but I refuse to make it a big deal. Nono. Dress? Haven't worn one since Jesus wore sandals and boxers. And dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Must get smashing body first before I'll consider wearing a dress. When could I go to the gym again? As soon as possible would be the wish but reality's harsher than that. Wednesday morning perhaps. Anyways, NYE will be spent in Paris, anyone who feels like joining me are of course more than merrily welcome!
There, I killed a couple of minutes on that, goodness! Who knows, I might blog again before checking out...

Cheers, C

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