samedi 28 février 2009

Along came spring...

...and swept all the troubles away. Or maybe not all troubles, that is not even technically possible. However, miraculously, as soon as the sun is out everything seems so wonderfully simple. 19 degrees, baby! Winter's over!
I woke up today, hung-over but ridiculously hopeful. My flat was covered with cranberry juice and lime, had a bit of a party last night. Nothing fancy, just a couple of friends over for drinks and snacks. It got a bit rowdy, even though there were only 7 of us. Funny how that works. Evening started with everyone promising to go out but in fact in the end it was just me and Iris (a lovely Dutch girl who I've been clubbing a lot with lately) since the rest of the bunch bailed out, quelle surprise. The two party-princesses went to Grands Boulevards and ended up in O'Sullivan's of all places, we actually intended to go elsewhere but something kept us from leaving. Yes, there were some boys there as well...
So, today I've worked a little and inhaled some fresh spring air, aaah. Goodness. Got home and did exactly the opposite to what I always do; I actually cleaned up! Normally, I throw myself on my bed with my computer balancing on the top of my belly (coz my belly area has now become rather round and misshapen from no exercice and too much junk), and me repetitiously tapping into the surfthechannel network until the wee hours of the morning. But oh no, that was not the case. I owed up and did the dishes and scrubbed the floors because does he wash up? No he never washes up, does he clean up? No he never cleans up. The boy does nothing! What boy you might ask. Yes exactly. What boy?
There is no boy, not at this point. I'd love for there to be one though, I've sort of put my ferocious dating on hold for a bit. The february-depression sucked all the energy out of me, leaving me an empty inattractive shell. Grey and sullen as the Paris sky. Now the season's changing and my mood with it. The spark has returned in my eyes, the gait in my steps, my back is straight, my hairs is shiny, my... Ok I'll stop. Know this, I'm not done for. Far from it. I'm back, peoples, and then some. Just been browsing the internet for some job offers and plan to send out applications tomorrow. Only a bit scared though, these are not braindead, any-git-can-pull-it-off jobs, they're really demanding. If I'll claim that I am trilingual then I bloody better prove it too, and really, am I? And the interviews! I've never even been on an interview before. Or I have, the Gymboree one, but does it really count if they already had decided to hire me before even talking to me (there were no other candidates...)? Hmm. No sweat, I'll just keep riding on this wave of new-found energy I knew I always had in me but I just misplaced for a minute, and everything will turn out for the best.
Lots of work this month! Got some extra baby-sitting gigs, both with my old family and this new one in Neuilly (a really fancy part of Paris, anyone smell money? I do!), will go there on Wednesday and work for a couple of hours. Sweet. Also doing some extra Gymbo-sessions since my collegue and wing-woman Aude is lost in the Carribbeans. No I'm not jealous. I just wish it could be me sometimes you know, going away, drinking margharitas on the beach with cabana-boys swarming around me. That's a really nice thought, I'll hold on to that one. I need it to keep warm.
Speaking of keeping warm, exercise regime is going terribly. I sleep until late in the mornings even though that is the only time I have to go to the gym. It is a problem. And problems are there to be solved. So I have a solution, how about I go to bed earlier at night? Now, how's that for a plan, eh? Let's try something new shall we. My mother just told me something really clever, she said that the best exercice is the one that actually happens. No use talking about doing it, it just has to be done, other wise I'll end up fat and alone, a quiet clam on the bottom of the ocean. I might live to be a hundred, but what kind of life is that?
Need to hit the sack now, got Gymboree tomorrow morning as per usual and we're playing in the jungle, Hakuna Matata style. It's awsome, definitely my favourite theme so far. Or maybe Christmas was my favourite theme... No, too much glitter everywhere, was a pain in the crack to clean up afterwards.
Right, off I go, it's already way past my bed-time.


mardi 10 février 2009

In the middle of the night

Yeessss... it is indeed terribly late. Have drunk too much coffee and eaten too many chupa-chups, the sugar and caffeine are coursing through my system. Good thing though seeing how long it has been since I wrote, quite outrageous! Reason for this is not, unfortunately, that I suddenly have lots to do. No. I'm still terribly bored at work. Incidentially, my boss decided to install a video-camera in the shop, overlooking the checkout-point! Sneaky boss-person. Not that he'd sit and watch me all day, I'm sure he's got better things to pass his time with (I sure hope so). But should I really risk it, I mean sod's law has it the minute I go online he'd be there, watching me. Crap. So how do I spend my days now? SU-DO-KU! Yeah man, the greatest invention ever. Got myself a humungus sudoku puzzlebook and there I am, at it, sweating and swearing over those little numbers. Love it. Passes time though. Makes me feel smart. Win win.
Last week I was, hold on to your knickers, free for a whole week! Or atleast, almost an entire week, still had my Gymboree-sessions on Sunday morning, but still! Yay! Downside to it all was that I was mortally ill. Yes I nearly died. Ok no I'm exaggerating, which I really shouldn't do since people around me are indeed seriously ill. No I had the flu, but couldn't move for, like, three days. Stayed in bed, unshowered and feverish for 48h. It was heaven and hell at the same time! Luckily (or unluckily, depending how you look at it), I had one week of holidays. What else would I have done, right? Worked probably, since I am a cyborg from outer space.
After a couple of days in my sickly-bed I felt better though and left my sweaty sheets to go to Amsterdam. Aaaah Amsterdam. Always such bliss. Strangely enough, all my money seem to vanish there though. It's the Dutch vacuum of funniness who sucks it all up and before I know it, I'm broke. Spent a couple of days with my bestest of Elins and it was truly lovely. Fell out with parent-person though, big blow to the happiness. Never seem to be able to do right by him, I'm really despairing as I truly never now how to get it really right. It's a constant downward spiral and I'm obviously swimming the wrong way. Or am I? Who knows.
If I have talked about personal bankruptcy before, it was nothing compared to the state I am in at the moment. Didn't even make rent this month, let alone my bills in Sweden. Really hope I won't get kicked out, but my landlord seems like a decent person. Hopefully I'll be able to score some baby-sitting gigs this month so I can earn some extra dough, this is definitely not good. Damn this underpaid work to hell! Damn low season and financial crisis! Tourists come back! Spend money! I'm losing it here.
Haven't been to the gym in forever, tried the abs and butts session two weeks ago and it still hurts when I laugh. Yes I am out of shape. Did I mention that? With a little over 90 days to go before the big Run, I am stressing out. Will go for a walk tomorrow and see how it feels. Don't rush it too much. Babysteps, that's how you improve, right?
It's 1.45 am and I really should go to bed. Woke up this morning around 4ish by the storm, my shutters were slamming against each other and the wind was slowly tearing the house apart. Reassuring...
Another update within shortish from the other side of richness, if I haven't ended up in the street before then, that is.
