*sniff sniff
Have just recuperated from a touch of cold, and therefore decided this morning to go to the gym! Lo and behold! It was just as wonderful as I thought it would be, shiny machines and glistening bodies as far as the eye could see... Downside to it all was that I'm completely out of shape. To think that I, not too long ago (May), managed to run as far as 21kms without stopping, it's ridiculous. And truly heart-breaking. Made it half an hour on the tread-mill (do they put glue on the floor?), had to stop before entering into a state of cardiac seizure. But it felt good, or it does now atleast.
Hanging out at work, yes that is how I spend my days. Chat with neighbours and the occasional client, other than that there's not that much to do. So I blog away my afternoons! And eat oranges, I've heard they're supposed to be efficient in boosting the immune system (surely 7 should suffice to cover the daily need?). Suits me just fine.
This week'll be mighty hectic though. Work today and tomorrow, with a soirée pyjama at Gymboree tomorrow night; 20 kids high on sugar to amuse and animate for an hour! I love my work, I love my work, I love it, love it... Oh well, I'll be able to imagine what it would be like to be Father Christmas for an evening, to see all those sparkling expecting eyes gazing hopefully up on you. Or it might turn me into the grinch. Those who'll live shall see. Furthermore I work Wednesday and all day Friday, Saturday, Sunday... No holidays for me! Oh that's not true! Mustn't forget the "almost-two-days-in-a-row" next week when I'm going to Holland! Yay!
New Year's Eve. Ah the pressure, the anxiety. Must find party. Must dress up nicely. Must find attractive man to kiss at midnight. To hell with that. I'm working the 31st until 19h so I'll be able to make it to some kind of soirée, but I refuse to make it a big deal. Nono. Dress? Haven't worn one since Jesus wore sandals and boxers. And dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Must get smashing body first before I'll consider wearing a dress. When could I go to the gym again? As soon as possible would be the wish but reality's harsher than that. Wednesday morning perhaps. Anyways, NYE will be spent in Paris, anyone who feels like joining me are of course more than merrily welcome!
There, I killed a couple of minutes on that, goodness! Who knows, I might blog again before checking out...
Cheers, C
lundi 15 décembre 2008
mardi 2 décembre 2008
Joy to the world, the plans are changed!
Every now and then one is struck by a terrific idea. A notion that, however hopeless a situation might seem, there is always a way out. After having feltcompletely drained and utterly disgusted by the fact that I would have to spend Christmas eve all on my own-some, I was suddeny hit by it! No! I shall not! Since I'm going to Lille (in the north of France) on the 23rd for a meeting that will take most of the day, why not just continue going north, to Holland? Yes, that is what I must do. So there you have it, the 23rd will be spent in Maasland at my Dad's and then I'll pursue my ultimate destination and hit Amsterdam on the 24th, joining Damir and Anika, my dearly parisian friends. Not too shabby indeed. Anika promised there'd be a tree and everything! Oh holy blissfulness of jolly companionship! I love my friends, I really really do. And what a relief not having to spend Christmas in Paris, what would I do? What would I eat? Probably McDonald's. And that is so not ok.
All I wanted to add this time, in case someone was feeling sorry for me...
Until next time! xxx
All I wanted to add this time, in case someone was feeling sorry for me...
Until next time! xxx
mardi 25 novembre 2008
Jingle all the way to hell
November's coming to and end, unbelievable! Today in one week we're well and good into December, and I have absolutely no X-mas longing whatsoever. That surely comes from the fact that I refuse to celebrate Christmas this year, since I won't be able to go home. Yeah, really sad, I know. The reasons for this are A: didn't get time off from work, and B: tickets cost more than half a month's rent, and I just cannot do it. But I have decided to screw all that X-mas nonsense (yes I am indeed quite bitter about it...), and just give myself a lot of treats. Starting by signing up for a gym next to where I live! Went there last week for a trial-session and oh, it was all I'd ever ask for. They even had Les Mills programs there... I was in heaven for about an hour and a half (and yes I am easy to please). Treat number two; got myself a new mobile phone with a camera. Finally I might be able to post some more pictures on my blog!
Work's work, nothing exiting on that front. I upped my hours in the little candyshop from 30 to 35 hours a week, which might not sound like a that big of a deal, but in fact it makes quite a difference. Longer days, even though just an hour, however fatter pay! Yay! Hopefully I will soon be able to kick back a bit and just enjoy life instead of always living on the edge of finances...
What else is new? Well I freed myself from my other half, who became more than that and completely invaded my life. So I realised one day, no in fact this will not work out for me, it's either him or me! And of course I chose me. Otherwise I would be standing here dead. Ok I'm exaggerating, just a wee bit.
No idea when I'll be able to go back to la Suède again, but this one's certain; I am now 100 percent sure that I'll run in Göteborgsvarvet 2009! This one I'll try doing in 2hrs, which means a 6 min improvement. Yikes! But I will do it! It's on the 16th of May. Be there and cheer!
Bisous, C
Work's work, nothing exiting on that front. I upped my hours in the little candyshop from 30 to 35 hours a week, which might not sound like a that big of a deal, but in fact it makes quite a difference. Longer days, even though just an hour, however fatter pay! Yay! Hopefully I will soon be able to kick back a bit and just enjoy life instead of always living on the edge of finances...
What else is new? Well I freed myself from my other half, who became more than that and completely invaded my life. So I realised one day, no in fact this will not work out for me, it's either him or me! And of course I chose me. Otherwise I would be standing here dead. Ok I'm exaggerating, just a wee bit.
No idea when I'll be able to go back to la Suède again, but this one's certain; I am now 100 percent sure that I'll run in Göteborgsvarvet 2009! This one I'll try doing in 2hrs, which means a 6 min improvement. Yikes! But I will do it! It's on the 16th of May. Be there and cheer!
Bisous, C
lundi 13 octobre 2008
All shapened up
It's been more than 3 months and I'm starting to get really settled in. Last weekend me and my friends painted the walls in my flat, they're all nice and white now. Finally I have to say, was a bit worried it might never happen. But it certainly did and it turned out really well. After a (rather pricey) trip to IKEA last week, I drove (!) btw, yay, the place is now tiptop. Hooray! It's a pure pleasure to come home now, I have to say.
Had a bit of a run-in with the neighbours, they're not that crazy about me apparently, merde. I happened to have put some woodenboards in the recycling-bin and that apparently is a big nono: I risk getting fined and everything! I hope my landlord won't get word of this, what if he gets all angry and throws me out! Wouldn't that be a real shame, especially now after all the fixing-up.
Also, I seem to be constantly sleep-deprived still. I just cannot catch up, it isn't happening. Too much work, too little time. But hey, it's life.
Good news, Sweden trip on the 29th!! Cannot wait to go, staying one whole week so I have lots of time to play and rest and do absolutely nothing at all. Good sweet times.
Am totally hooked on surfthechannel.com aswell, might be that's killing my sleephabits. Nah, who cares, I can rest when I'm dead. Oh. How very morbid of me. Probably shouldn't jinx it like that. Right. Back to Desperate Housewives!!
quote Lynette Scavo "Oh... crap on things..."
Had a bit of a run-in with the neighbours, they're not that crazy about me apparently, merde. I happened to have put some woodenboards in the recycling-bin and that apparently is a big nono: I risk getting fined and everything! I hope my landlord won't get word of this, what if he gets all angry and throws me out! Wouldn't that be a real shame, especially now after all the fixing-up.
Also, I seem to be constantly sleep-deprived still. I just cannot catch up, it isn't happening. Too much work, too little time. But hey, it's life.
Good news, Sweden trip on the 29th!! Cannot wait to go, staying one whole week so I have lots of time to play and rest and do absolutely nothing at all. Good sweet times.
Am totally hooked on surfthechannel.com aswell, might be that's killing my sleephabits. Nah, who cares, I can rest when I'm dead. Oh. How very morbid of me. Probably shouldn't jinx it like that. Right. Back to Desperate Housewives!!
quote Lynette Scavo "Oh... crap on things..."
mercredi 24 septembre 2008
Sweet surprises
Who could have known that after having spent almost 5 months in utter financial misery, one would actually get a brake? I don't really know what to call it, divine intervention perhaps, but I know who to thank; the Erasmusoffice. This wonderful organisation just granted me an extra endorsment, an extra little donation for no apparent reason! Thus no need to sweat over all my Swedish bills for the next four months or so, which came as a total surprise, not to mention a major relief! Unfortunately, me being me and therefore not trustworthy with money, I've already started to spend it all in my head (and IRL)... There's just so much I've denied myself these past months, so Monday I had a bit of a pampering day, got myself an haircut (finally!) and bought myself a coat and a bag. I had to. No seriously, I really needed it since I took all my relatively warm clothes back to Sweden in May, seeing as I was sort of planning to move back home... so all I was left with were some measly pathetic excuses for jackets, not enough to keep me warm. And it has gotten a bit cooler, so there, not just irradically shopping like a paria!
Gymboree is now fully on and running like mad, every Sunday morning there I am singing and dancing like nobody's business. Have even done sessions all on my own, which of course freaked me out but finally worked out quite nicely in the end. Surely I do black out every now and then, forget the lyrics or the choreography (yes we do have choreography, you know, up and down, side to side), but all in all it runs smoothly. Except last week when I'd only slept for a couple of hours (for reasons of which I will speak later), and the kids just wouldn't stop screaming and yeah I did forget to sing a couple of songs, but hey, it'll be better! I will do better! It's only my third week for crying out loud.
So, the reason for me being terribly sleep-deprived as of late is, naturally, a boy. I've dated this French guy for a couple of weeks, four and a half to be exact, and it's advancing rather nicely. Or, should I say, seeing as he his French, a bit too fast at times perhaps. But to be fair, I have been single for so long, it's just this whole "exclusive" thing that throws me, or I don't know. Having to share myself with someone else, how does that work exactly? It used to be just me myself and I, doing whatever I wanted whenever. Now I have to consider someone else aswell? Hm. We'll see where this leads. He is a struggling actor, which apparently is really tough in a city like Paris. But dear friends, I will keep you in the loop of things. What would life be without a bit of drama, say?
What else, well my other job's also running really smoothly. I'd even go as far to say that it's become my little haven of peace. No stress whatsoever, if I don't have any costumers I can just chill out, with a book or without, chat with the neighbours and drink some coffee (I have a Columbus Cafe right next door). If there by chance is someone who does want to buy something, they're usually really polite and well-behaved and treats me nicely. So I really can't complain at all! The pay's totally ok aswell, compared to the amount of work I do, plus the benefits are great. Alas, I do tend to eat a lot of candy... very naughty. Haven't done ANY sports since the 14th of July, except last Saturday when I was in Louveciennes, I actually managed to go out for some 45 mins jogging in the woods. Other than that, I should be ashamed of myself. But I'm constantly looking for a gym, there is one at Aquaboulevard where I do Gymboree but it's ridiculously expensive. The quest continues...
Yes, I was in Louveciennes this weekend and saw my kids again, haven't seen them for 6 weeks! It was truly delightful to hug them all again, it scares me how quickly they grow up. Little Valentine speaks like no tomorrow, it's amazing. Felt good to be out of the city a bit, to breath some fresh air and see some nature. Haven't had any real summerish feelings this year, do indeed miss all that. But oh well, that's the price one has to pay for living in Paris, poor poor little estranged Parisian girl.
Totally planning on going home in the end of October to visit!! Hopefully I'll be able to take some days off since Gymboree'll be closed, but that is to be announced. Won't get my hopes up too much though, but just in case, you should encircle the dates 26/10-2/11 in your agendas...
Until next time,
love always
Gymboree is now fully on and running like mad, every Sunday morning there I am singing and dancing like nobody's business. Have even done sessions all on my own, which of course freaked me out but finally worked out quite nicely in the end. Surely I do black out every now and then, forget the lyrics or the choreography (yes we do have choreography, you know, up and down, side to side), but all in all it runs smoothly. Except last week when I'd only slept for a couple of hours (for reasons of which I will speak later), and the kids just wouldn't stop screaming and yeah I did forget to sing a couple of songs, but hey, it'll be better! I will do better! It's only my third week for crying out loud.
So, the reason for me being terribly sleep-deprived as of late is, naturally, a boy. I've dated this French guy for a couple of weeks, four and a half to be exact, and it's advancing rather nicely. Or, should I say, seeing as he his French, a bit too fast at times perhaps. But to be fair, I have been single for so long, it's just this whole "exclusive" thing that throws me, or I don't know. Having to share myself with someone else, how does that work exactly? It used to be just me myself and I, doing whatever I wanted whenever. Now I have to consider someone else aswell? Hm. We'll see where this leads. He is a struggling actor, which apparently is really tough in a city like Paris. But dear friends, I will keep you in the loop of things. What would life be without a bit of drama, say?
What else, well my other job's also running really smoothly. I'd even go as far to say that it's become my little haven of peace. No stress whatsoever, if I don't have any costumers I can just chill out, with a book or without, chat with the neighbours and drink some coffee (I have a Columbus Cafe right next door). If there by chance is someone who does want to buy something, they're usually really polite and well-behaved and treats me nicely. So I really can't complain at all! The pay's totally ok aswell, compared to the amount of work I do, plus the benefits are great. Alas, I do tend to eat a lot of candy... very naughty. Haven't done ANY sports since the 14th of July, except last Saturday when I was in Louveciennes, I actually managed to go out for some 45 mins jogging in the woods. Other than that, I should be ashamed of myself. But I'm constantly looking for a gym, there is one at Aquaboulevard where I do Gymboree but it's ridiculously expensive. The quest continues...
Yes, I was in Louveciennes this weekend and saw my kids again, haven't seen them for 6 weeks! It was truly delightful to hug them all again, it scares me how quickly they grow up. Little Valentine speaks like no tomorrow, it's amazing. Felt good to be out of the city a bit, to breath some fresh air and see some nature. Haven't had any real summerish feelings this year, do indeed miss all that. But oh well, that's the price one has to pay for living in Paris, poor poor little estranged Parisian girl.
Totally planning on going home in the end of October to visit!! Hopefully I'll be able to take some days off since Gymboree'll be closed, but that is to be announced. Won't get my hopes up too much though, but just in case, you should encircle the dates 26/10-2/11 in your agendas...
Until next time,
love always
samedi 6 septembre 2008
A quarter of a century
25 years old. Half way to 50. Older but none the wiser. No that's not fair, I reckon I have gotten a bit wiser. Maybe not since yesterday, but looking back at last year, I have indeed matured. 25 is supposed to be a milestone in a person's life, one is supposed to be accomplished to a certain level, achieved goals, gone places. Have I? Yes and no.
To some extent I'm a bit disappointed I haven't moved further in life, haven't reached my goals as of yet. 5 years ago I was so sure I would have been there by now, education done with and grown-up life well and started. Safe to say it has all been put a little on hold. Not that I'm in a rush or anything, I'll try again next year, but opportunities are running short and I'm definitely not getting any younger.
On the other hand, where am I at this point? In Paris, in my own flat, doing my best to stay afloat and actually doing not too shabby. I mean, surely, at times I struggle and it's not always a walk in the park, but mostly I'm truly happy and content with my situation.
I was in Holland again, Wednesday. Only for 24 hours, because my grandma had passed away Sunday morning. It was all really sad but beautiful in a way, I've never felt so connected to my Dutch family before. Peaceful and nice. I know I will miss my Oma a lot, even if we weren't that close, she was a truly remarkable lady. Hats off for her... and for my Dad, lots of love.
Today will be a tranquil B-day though, coz tomorrow the real stuff is starting, Gymboree session number one. The premiere! I'm scared shitless, but I'm sure it'll be fine once I'm there and in the mood. Right know I'm mostly freaking out, what the hell have I put myself into?
Ok, I will now leave my little nest, do some shopping and bits and bobs. More updates to come I promise!!
Bisous xxx
To some extent I'm a bit disappointed I haven't moved further in life, haven't reached my goals as of yet. 5 years ago I was so sure I would have been there by now, education done with and grown-up life well and started. Safe to say it has all been put a little on hold. Not that I'm in a rush or anything, I'll try again next year, but opportunities are running short and I'm definitely not getting any younger.
On the other hand, where am I at this point? In Paris, in my own flat, doing my best to stay afloat and actually doing not too shabby. I mean, surely, at times I struggle and it's not always a walk in the park, but mostly I'm truly happy and content with my situation.
I was in Holland again, Wednesday. Only for 24 hours, because my grandma had passed away Sunday morning. It was all really sad but beautiful in a way, I've never felt so connected to my Dutch family before. Peaceful and nice. I know I will miss my Oma a lot, even if we weren't that close, she was a truly remarkable lady. Hats off for her... and for my Dad, lots of love.
Today will be a tranquil B-day though, coz tomorrow the real stuff is starting, Gymboree session number one. The premiere! I'm scared shitless, but I'm sure it'll be fine once I'm there and in the mood. Right know I'm mostly freaking out, what the hell have I put myself into?
Ok, I will now leave my little nest, do some shopping and bits and bobs. More updates to come I promise!!
Bisous xxx
jeudi 21 août 2008
One year later...
The 21st of August, 2007, an innocent Swede embarks the unknown land, totally unawares of what to come. Yes, today it has been a year since I arrived at Roissy Charles de Gaulle. Even though time indeed has passed with tremendous speed, events have been numerous and significant aswell. Every now and then I've asked myself "will it ever stop, will I ever get a brake"? Wether it was a next of kin getting seriously ill, an unexpected bill dropping in my lap or all my possessions stolen and lost, it all was a bit overwhelming. Luckily, I've had tons of support to help me get through the rough patches, from near and far, so I'd like to think I've risen from this a stronger person.
Naturally, not only bad things has happened to me this year. It's been quite a ride, I've met some extraordinary people and learnt tons of French. Mission complete! Paris still blows my mind, I find new things every day to explore and to be amazed by. Would love to expand my horizons even more and travel the country, me and some friends are talking about a road trip to Val de Loire, going castle-hunting (I mean, they're there... we wouldn't have to chase them or anything).
My flat's still a bit run down, haven't had the means to give it a go yet, decorating-wise. But I will, as soon as. Have other priorities first, like food, tooth-paste, boring stuff. As I said before, keep getting unexpected bills thrown at me. The adorable CSN has finally decided to put me under the radar, first bill's been sent and is due at the end of the month, 1000kr already. Yikes! So I dread next week, bill week. Rent week. Sigh and cry.
Work's going really well though, I like it a lot! Lots of spacey people around, never a dull moment, and I keep getting asked out every other day by random men. Hmm... I don't know. Boosts the ego though, so where's the harm, as long as they're kept at an arm's length. Today I had a funny moment with some Hare Krishna monks, they chanted up and down the street outside of the shop, wanted to drop their suitcase behind my counter (as if I looked like a safe-keep), and I was scared to death they'd blow the place up. But they turned out to be rather harmless, just wanted to sing and hand out books about meditation. Oh well. Tomorrow I'll work at Gymboree, do some chanting of my own. Me and my grand voice, try to keep your knickers on!! Speaking of knickers, me and Josefin will take on Showcase tomorrow night, and I'll try to hang on to my belongings...
What else is new? I went to Holland to see my grandma last week, was really really nice. I miss Holland so much, it felt so good to be back there, however short the stay. See everyone again... did me good. Maybe I'll get some visitors from England in two weeks (which also happens to be my B-day, oh dear....)! Yay!
Ok, since I now have an internet connection (which actually works) AND a landline (if you ask me nicely you might get the number even), I promise I'll keep my blog more updated.
Lots of love, C
Naturally, not only bad things has happened to me this year. It's been quite a ride, I've met some extraordinary people and learnt tons of French. Mission complete! Paris still blows my mind, I find new things every day to explore and to be amazed by. Would love to expand my horizons even more and travel the country, me and some friends are talking about a road trip to Val de Loire, going castle-hunting (I mean, they're there... we wouldn't have to chase them or anything).
My flat's still a bit run down, haven't had the means to give it a go yet, decorating-wise. But I will, as soon as. Have other priorities first, like food, tooth-paste, boring stuff. As I said before, keep getting unexpected bills thrown at me. The adorable CSN has finally decided to put me under the radar, first bill's been sent and is due at the end of the month, 1000kr already. Yikes! So I dread next week, bill week. Rent week. Sigh and cry.
Work's going really well though, I like it a lot! Lots of spacey people around, never a dull moment, and I keep getting asked out every other day by random men. Hmm... I don't know. Boosts the ego though, so where's the harm, as long as they're kept at an arm's length. Today I had a funny moment with some Hare Krishna monks, they chanted up and down the street outside of the shop, wanted to drop their suitcase behind my counter (as if I looked like a safe-keep), and I was scared to death they'd blow the place up. But they turned out to be rather harmless, just wanted to sing and hand out books about meditation. Oh well. Tomorrow I'll work at Gymboree, do some chanting of my own. Me and my grand voice, try to keep your knickers on!! Speaking of knickers, me and Josefin will take on Showcase tomorrow night, and I'll try to hang on to my belongings...
What else is new? I went to Holland to see my grandma last week, was really really nice. I miss Holland so much, it felt so good to be back there, however short the stay. See everyone again... did me good. Maybe I'll get some visitors from England in two weeks (which also happens to be my B-day, oh dear....)! Yay!
Ok, since I now have an internet connection (which actually works) AND a landline (if you ask me nicely you might get the number even), I promise I'll keep my blog more updated.
Lots of love, C
lundi 28 juillet 2008
July is coming to an end, it’s hard to grasp that summer’s almost over. Paris is subdued to a heat-wave of tropical measure, and waking up in my little bird nest is not that pleasant at the moment. Sweaty sheets twisted in all directions. Hm. However, I should probably start from the beginning and elaborate on my current situation, rather than go on about my morning sensations (ha! Easily misinterpreted, but totally meant to be unsexual I'm afraid).
So here goes. I moved into a little studio flat in Paris on the 5th of July, it’s situated in the 18th arrondissement, on rue Fauvet no 12. It feels so unbelievably good to finally live in the actual city itself! Although, I wasn’t intent to move as early as I did, my plan was rather to find work and stay on for a bit in Louveciennes. That way, I would have made some money for rent and have enough time to find a little place of my own. As it happened, a friend of mine fell upon an announcement on Facebook that her friend was leaving Paris, namely the girl who occupied my present accommodation. So there it is, an opportunity too good to resist! Unfortunately, that left me rather bare-scraped for some weeks (still am), and every day since has been a bit of a struggle.
Work has been found though! Wasn’t too worried about that in the first place, have been told that there are quite a lot jobs here in Paris, and indeed, that’s affirmative. I started off with Gymboree, an American invention which can be defined as a centre where kids come to play and sing, but not as a crèche or anything but rather a baby-gym (check out website www.gymboree-france.fr). I’m hired as an animatrice, someone who activates the kids, sings and plays with them. I’ll be in charge of the English sessions on Sunday mornings, all in all I’ll be working 6 hours a week. Moreover, I’ve also signed with a souvenir shop called Plaisirs de Paris, also in Montmartre not far from where I live. It’s not a regular souvenir shop with t-shirts and such, but I’ll be selling chocolate, champagne, candy and cognac! Yeah. Could be a bit hazardous, seeing as I do suffer from a major sweet tooth-problem. Oh well. I’ll be doing 30 hours a week in the shop, so it all adds up to a full-time employment. Hurrah! Which means, hopefully, that my days of tight budgeting soon will come to an end? At least, I hope so. So sick and tired of having nothing but pasta and ketchup for dinner…
Gymboree doesn’t start until the end of August, and the contract at Plaisirs starts Monday the 4th, so in the meantime I’ve been doing different stuff, mostly baby-sitting for various families, some in and some out of Paris. I’ve also worked in a (proper) souvenir shop in Montmartre, right next to Sacre Coeur. And to put it mildly, it has not been pleasant. Dreadful hours (it’s opened until midnight), drunk and obnoxious tourists and really unfriendly co-workers. So that job, nah, not for me. I’ll get my pay-check and leave ASAP. Never happened to me before, that I feel that uncomfortable with someone that I can’t stand staying, I’d like to think of myself as someone rather easy to deal with but in that place I just feel malplacée. Maybe I’d felt more inclined to give it a chance had I not been offered another job. It all just feels so disorganised and hap-hazard, the hours were sort of just distributed one day in advance. I can’t live like that, I need to be able to plan ahead!
However my other two jobs are more than organised, I was really amazed by the level of seriousness, me having to sign proper contracts. I even have to go and do a medical check-up before I start working! So I do feel taken care of there. And how I am looking forward to my first real pay check! Ah, like you wouldn’t believe...
My work-out and running scheme has suffered a lot these past weeks, haven’t worn my running shoes in so long! They might not even fit me anymore. But that’s going to change, as soon as I’ll be getting some routine back into my life I sure will pick up my old (good) habits again. And me thinking I’d be so healthy and sporty living on my own, ha! Quelle blague, quoi. But no no, seriously, living on my own comes with a great responsibility – it’s me and no one else who’s in charge of whatever I put in my pie-hole, so I better keep a leash on my indulgences. Starting today then. Right.
Unfortunately, since I now consider myself an employed and dedicated woman with tons of responsibilities, I can’t just pack up and leave the country as soon as I feel like it. Have to stick around for a little while longer, maybe even a whole year. So coming back to Sweden within the nearest future is not an option. I do hope I’ll be able to come home for a visit soon, maybe in October/November around Halloween (Gymboree is closed), but I’m not going to count on it. A must though; I will fight to the last drop of blood for time off during Christmas and New Year’s Eve! X-mas cannot be spent anywhere else but in Sweden. That is a fact. New Year’s plans have already been set, it’s leaning towards Edinburgh in fact. Dear old Dani set my mind to it, so I reckon that’s where I’ll be going. More about that later, after all I have 6 more months to change my mind numerous times.
Have to get on with mine now, will meet up Josefin for lunch. She's been in Bretagne for 10 days so we have some catching up to do, and this afternoon I’m working 4 hours in another souvenir shop at rue de Rivoli, same owner as the one next to Sacre Coeur but a bit nicer personnel. Doesn’t mean I will change my mind concerning leaving though, it’s still shit!
Until next time, look after yourselves and I’ll do the same. Ta ta.
So here goes. I moved into a little studio flat in Paris on the 5th of July, it’s situated in the 18th arrondissement, on rue Fauvet no 12. It feels so unbelievably good to finally live in the actual city itself! Although, I wasn’t intent to move as early as I did, my plan was rather to find work and stay on for a bit in Louveciennes. That way, I would have made some money for rent and have enough time to find a little place of my own. As it happened, a friend of mine fell upon an announcement on Facebook that her friend was leaving Paris, namely the girl who occupied my present accommodation. So there it is, an opportunity too good to resist! Unfortunately, that left me rather bare-scraped for some weeks (still am), and every day since has been a bit of a struggle.
Work has been found though! Wasn’t too worried about that in the first place, have been told that there are quite a lot jobs here in Paris, and indeed, that’s affirmative. I started off with Gymboree, an American invention which can be defined as a centre where kids come to play and sing, but not as a crèche or anything but rather a baby-gym (check out website www.gymboree-france.fr). I’m hired as an animatrice, someone who activates the kids, sings and plays with them. I’ll be in charge of the English sessions on Sunday mornings, all in all I’ll be working 6 hours a week. Moreover, I’ve also signed with a souvenir shop called Plaisirs de Paris, also in Montmartre not far from where I live. It’s not a regular souvenir shop with t-shirts and such, but I’ll be selling chocolate, champagne, candy and cognac! Yeah. Could be a bit hazardous, seeing as I do suffer from a major sweet tooth-problem. Oh well. I’ll be doing 30 hours a week in the shop, so it all adds up to a full-time employment. Hurrah! Which means, hopefully, that my days of tight budgeting soon will come to an end? At least, I hope so. So sick and tired of having nothing but pasta and ketchup for dinner…
Gymboree doesn’t start until the end of August, and the contract at Plaisirs starts Monday the 4th, so in the meantime I’ve been doing different stuff, mostly baby-sitting for various families, some in and some out of Paris. I’ve also worked in a (proper) souvenir shop in Montmartre, right next to Sacre Coeur. And to put it mildly, it has not been pleasant. Dreadful hours (it’s opened until midnight), drunk and obnoxious tourists and really unfriendly co-workers. So that job, nah, not for me. I’ll get my pay-check and leave ASAP. Never happened to me before, that I feel that uncomfortable with someone that I can’t stand staying, I’d like to think of myself as someone rather easy to deal with but in that place I just feel malplacée. Maybe I’d felt more inclined to give it a chance had I not been offered another job. It all just feels so disorganised and hap-hazard, the hours were sort of just distributed one day in advance. I can’t live like that, I need to be able to plan ahead!
However my other two jobs are more than organised, I was really amazed by the level of seriousness, me having to sign proper contracts. I even have to go and do a medical check-up before I start working! So I do feel taken care of there. And how I am looking forward to my first real pay check! Ah, like you wouldn’t believe...
My work-out and running scheme has suffered a lot these past weeks, haven’t worn my running shoes in so long! They might not even fit me anymore. But that’s going to change, as soon as I’ll be getting some routine back into my life I sure will pick up my old (good) habits again. And me thinking I’d be so healthy and sporty living on my own, ha! Quelle blague, quoi. But no no, seriously, living on my own comes with a great responsibility – it’s me and no one else who’s in charge of whatever I put in my pie-hole, so I better keep a leash on my indulgences. Starting today then. Right.
Unfortunately, since I now consider myself an employed and dedicated woman with tons of responsibilities, I can’t just pack up and leave the country as soon as I feel like it. Have to stick around for a little while longer, maybe even a whole year. So coming back to Sweden within the nearest future is not an option. I do hope I’ll be able to come home for a visit soon, maybe in October/November around Halloween (Gymboree is closed), but I’m not going to count on it. A must though; I will fight to the last drop of blood for time off during Christmas and New Year’s Eve! X-mas cannot be spent anywhere else but in Sweden. That is a fact. New Year’s plans have already been set, it’s leaning towards Edinburgh in fact. Dear old Dani set my mind to it, so I reckon that’s where I’ll be going. More about that later, after all I have 6 more months to change my mind numerous times.
Have to get on with mine now, will meet up Josefin for lunch. She's been in Bretagne for 10 days so we have some catching up to do, and this afternoon I’m working 4 hours in another souvenir shop at rue de Rivoli, same owner as the one next to Sacre Coeur but a bit nicer personnel. Doesn’t mean I will change my mind concerning leaving though, it’s still shit!
Until next time, look after yourselves and I’ll do the same. Ta ta.
mardi 17 juin 2008
Complete change of plans!
As it turns out, I'm not going home in July as planned. In fact I'm staying put here in Paris. Have already found a little studio (very tiny) in the 18th arrondissement and will be able to move in asap! Yay! All I need right now is a job... Which might sound terribly tricky put I'm not too worried. Or should I be? I'm not sure. All in all I have a very good feeling about this though. Am really excited, have never ever lived on my own before. Only with friends or in residential college. So this is definitely going to be a good experience. I'm thrilled!
Will be able to stay on with the family for a while longer, luckily. It'll mean I atleast have some form of income next month. But fret not, I am determined to get myself out there and look viciously for work. Any kind of job really, so if you hear anything about an opening in the Paris area - let me know...
Me moving to my own place of course also entails me being able to house visitors anytime for as long as I wish - thus feel free to come and see me! Only be aware that it's a studio we're talking about... Nothing grand. But I absolutely love it.
School's finished, and so is most of my Uni work, hopefully (depending on my teacher if she'll pass me). Have a couple of things I need to sort out this autumn but that's a later project. I'm to set on finding a job right now, it's hard focusing on other things.
This week-end's Midsummer's and I'm going to Sweden, hurrah! My Mum's sister is getting married on Friday (yes I have indeed bought a dress for the occasion), and on Saturday I'm going out to Brännö to meet up with some dearly beloved friends, a couple of which I haven't seen since before Christmas! My word. Really really looking forward to that.
So I'll try to keep this blog updated on my situation, whether I find work or not, but I should think so. If not... I guess I'll just have to come back home... Naaaah!!
A la prochaine!
Will be able to stay on with the family for a while longer, luckily. It'll mean I atleast have some form of income next month. But fret not, I am determined to get myself out there and look viciously for work. Any kind of job really, so if you hear anything about an opening in the Paris area - let me know...
Me moving to my own place of course also entails me being able to house visitors anytime for as long as I wish - thus feel free to come and see me! Only be aware that it's a studio we're talking about... Nothing grand. But I absolutely love it.
School's finished, and so is most of my Uni work, hopefully (depending on my teacher if she'll pass me). Have a couple of things I need to sort out this autumn but that's a later project. I'm to set on finding a job right now, it's hard focusing on other things.
This week-end's Midsummer's and I'm going to Sweden, hurrah! My Mum's sister is getting married on Friday (yes I have indeed bought a dress for the occasion), and on Saturday I'm going out to Brännö to meet up with some dearly beloved friends, a couple of which I haven't seen since before Christmas! My word. Really really looking forward to that.
So I'll try to keep this blog updated on my situation, whether I find work or not, but I should think so. If not... I guess I'll just have to come back home... Naaaah!!
A la prochaine!
dimanche 25 mai 2008
Two months to go
Woa, time... so swiftly gone by. It's quite hard to grasp that it's nearly June. Last weekend was spent in la magnifique Suède, it was more than gloriously lovely. A bit short, but I reckon I managed to meet up with quite a bunch of people. Did the little half marathon aswell, finished at 2.05 - really pleased and content! Next year I'm aiming for the magical 2 hour limit, oh yeah. Had an inspiring chat with my prof last Monday about my essay on Les Misérables (huge source of concern), she has faith in it, which made me feel a bit more calm but still... there's a long way to go. Gotta finish before my next Sweden-visit (Midsummer's, hurrah!) so hop to it chop chop!
Also, I was totally and unexpectedly blasted with a virus on my MSN not so long ago! Spread to Facebook aswell, so now I'm sorta panicking, I'm useless and crappy with computers, what the F shall I do? If anyone has heard of this before (me sending random links to my contacts while being offline) please tell me. Grateful for any kind of support and tips on that one. And also, should I suddenly start sending something to any of you - delete asap! And I'm sorry, it's not intentional...
Sorbonne classes are almost over, only one more week to go. Feels weird but good that that's done, and sad too. One course went really well, the litterature one, managed to do all the work without failing, but the other one... not so good. Studies on the French language from Antique to contemporate times! It's really complicado, so not entirely unexpected either that I didn't pass it. Even the Frenchies said they had trouble figure that one out, so I'm not the only one.
Speaking of failing, I didn't pass the translation exam either (the 5 hour one), which means my whole future came crashing down in one blow (dramatic). Thus, since I'm not accepted into the translation program for next semester, I have to rethink the next 12 months, find a job wherever, a place to stay... preferably well-paid with great hours and lots of stimulation! Any suggestions? Thing is, I really could do whatever wherever. No real preferences. Simple as that. Yep. Reeaaal easy huh?
On to the good news from Holland; the treatment in Cologne turned out to be rather succesful, with a slight reduction of the tumour! Unbelievable and fantastic news! Still a long way to go, but some hope is restored which feels very good for everyone involved. Phew.
Right, so I have to resume my quest for tickets... might end up leaving France by the aid of my thumb on the side of the road. Intriguing indeed... to be announced!
A plus!
Also, I was totally and unexpectedly blasted with a virus on my MSN not so long ago! Spread to Facebook aswell, so now I'm sorta panicking, I'm useless and crappy with computers, what the F shall I do? If anyone has heard of this before (me sending random links to my contacts while being offline) please tell me. Grateful for any kind of support and tips on that one. And also, should I suddenly start sending something to any of you - delete asap! And I'm sorry, it's not intentional...
Sorbonne classes are almost over, only one more week to go. Feels weird but good that that's done, and sad too. One course went really well, the litterature one, managed to do all the work without failing, but the other one... not so good. Studies on the French language from Antique to contemporate times! It's really complicado, so not entirely unexpected either that I didn't pass it. Even the Frenchies said they had trouble figure that one out, so I'm not the only one.
Speaking of failing, I didn't pass the translation exam either (the 5 hour one), which means my whole future came crashing down in one blow (dramatic). Thus, since I'm not accepted into the translation program for next semester, I have to rethink the next 12 months, find a job wherever, a place to stay... preferably well-paid with great hours and lots of stimulation! Any suggestions? Thing is, I really could do whatever wherever. No real preferences. Simple as that. Yep. Reeaaal easy huh?
On to the good news from Holland; the treatment in Cologne turned out to be rather succesful, with a slight reduction of the tumour! Unbelievable and fantastic news! Still a long way to go, but some hope is restored which feels very good for everyone involved. Phew.
Right, so I have to resume my quest for tickets... might end up leaving France by the aid of my thumb on the side of the road. Intriguing indeed... to be announced!
A plus!
mardi 15 avril 2008
Crazed dazed and amazed
My my my. It is indeed a sure sign of spring if mademoiselle Stiberg go out, get drunk and get all of her stuff lost. Mhm. Has become somewhat of a tradition. A very unpleasant one, but a tradition nonetheless. Long story short, I went out with my dearest partner in crime, Amanda, two weeks ago, to a club called Showcase and had a blast at first (as always) but somewhere down the road my stuff pulled a number on me and I was left with an empty bag (wallet, camera, phone, metro-pass, the works). Unknown to this point wether someone lifted it out of my bag or not... Peu importance. So, I went to the Commissariat de Police who didn't want to help at first - suggested I should go home and rest and then come back, but since I had no metro-pass and zippo money, how was I supposed to pull that off? They sent me to the Swedish Embassy, 8 o'clock in the morning on a Sunday, yeah really bright, as if that would help me, huh? Even so, I went, and fortunately there was someone there! No other than Gunnar - the ambassador. However, I didn't realise that at the time... He couldn't stay and help me though since he was off for the airport, so he called a lady that would come down. Meanwhile I had caused quite a stir, a really sweet old madame came up to me as I sat in my despair and GAVE me 10 euro - "Here, go and have a coffee, it's on me" - how sweet was she? Also, a Danish woman and two policeofficers joined the group, and as the Embassy-lady came trotting down the street I had attracted a smaller crowd. Oh dear.
It all ended well though. Managed to call my bank from the Embassy, and then got a ride in the police-car, I have to say it felt quite special. Told the officers I'd never been in one before, so they put the sirens on!! It was off the hook... They even ran some red lights, crazy coppers. Left a smallish statement of theft, and thanks to the little donation from the old lady I made it home. Phew.
At the moment, most of my stuff has been replaced and renewed, except for the camera of course. I do believe I'm not supposed to have one, since I keep having them lost or stolen! I'm just gonna face the music and refuse to get a new one. For the time being at least. They sent me an email from the club saying my wallet showed up a couple of days ago, but nothing else. A bit disappointing, even if I didn't count on anything to come back to me.
Friday, my dear old flatmates Cia and Emma are coming to visit! YAY! But first I'm doing an exposé oral for literatureclass, nerve-wrecking, AND a 5 hour exam... Stressful indeed. And now I gotta go to class, but I will report on the weekend events later on.
It all ended well though. Managed to call my bank from the Embassy, and then got a ride in the police-car, I have to say it felt quite special. Told the officers I'd never been in one before, so they put the sirens on!! It was off the hook... They even ran some red lights, crazy coppers. Left a smallish statement of theft, and thanks to the little donation from the old lady I made it home. Phew.
At the moment, most of my stuff has been replaced and renewed, except for the camera of course. I do believe I'm not supposed to have one, since I keep having them lost or stolen! I'm just gonna face the music and refuse to get a new one. For the time being at least. They sent me an email from the club saying my wallet showed up a couple of days ago, but nothing else. A bit disappointing, even if I didn't count on anything to come back to me.
Friday, my dear old flatmates Cia and Emma are coming to visit! YAY! But first I'm doing an exposé oral for literatureclass, nerve-wrecking, AND a 5 hour exam... Stressful indeed. And now I gotta go to class, but I will report on the weekend events later on.
vendredi 4 avril 2008
Spring is acomin'!
Finally, the rain has ceased and the sun is spreading some merciful rays on Paris with region. Oh yes it is as lovely as it sounds. These past three weeks I've really kickstarted my running, the race is a little more than 40 days away so... better get going eh? Four times a week, that should do it I hope. Went to La Défense shopping centre today and bought new runningshoes (or baskets as they call sport-shoes, hilarious), got a sweet deal since it's "marathon-month" now. Yep on Sunday the Marathon de Paris is on, and no I'm not participating. 21km is enough for me. One day perhaps I'll take on a real one. Not just yet though.
So what else is new, not much I guess. School's really picking up its pace, I have my humungus essay à 15 pages I need to get started with, it's supposed to be finished by May 4th! GAAH! Not stressed out at all, no. And La Sorbonne's also living up to foretold standards, the profs don't tardy with their essays and litterary analyses... my word. Go to bed with a spinning head full of figures and metaphors every night.
Tomorrow I'll répose myself a bit though, go for a run and then coffees with Anika en ville. Later on, to set my mood right what else is better than a good solid Saturday night out with my girls to do the trick? And perhaps one or two male appearances... who knows. More about that later.
Gotta go put the kids to bed, a bit short blog this time, but I really didn't have much to tell! Sad!
Big bisouxxx
So what else is new, not much I guess. School's really picking up its pace, I have my humungus essay à 15 pages I need to get started with, it's supposed to be finished by May 4th! GAAH! Not stressed out at all, no. And La Sorbonne's also living up to foretold standards, the profs don't tardy with their essays and litterary analyses... my word. Go to bed with a spinning head full of figures and metaphors every night.
Tomorrow I'll répose myself a bit though, go for a run and then coffees with Anika en ville. Later on, to set my mood right what else is better than a good solid Saturday night out with my girls to do the trick? And perhaps one or two male appearances... who knows. More about that later.
Gotta go put the kids to bed, a bit short blog this time, but I really didn't have much to tell! Sad!
Big bisouxxx
mardi 11 mars 2008
Conjunctivitis and coolness in Cannes
Next weekend-trip took me as far as the Côte d'Azur, Cannes to be more precise. An old classmate from 3rd grade lives there now, and I applied my dear old moto - "If you invite, oh trust me, I will come!" and went to visit her Thursday through Sunday. Thinking it would be, say, 20 degrees and sunny, I packed mostly tops and t-shirts, but alas! It was more towards 15 and rain. Didn't bring our spirits down though, we went for walks and coffees (on the almost deserted beach) and strolled around the older parts of Cannes, they've got some really cool shops there. Lingerie and perky partyhabits, sweet.
Friday we went out for dinner in a really nice French restauraunt (3 course meal, not too shabby at all), and even though it wasn't planned, we decided to go and have some drinks in a bar next door. My friend literally lives around the corner to most hot bars and clubs - tempting? I kid you not! The one drink turned out to mean clubbing and dancing until 4am, we went to all kinds of cool places, the names of which are a bit blurry for obvious reasons, but I think they were Via Notte, The Loft (or Tantra?) and New Cat. Good times indeed.
However, Saturday I woke up, unable to open my eyes - they were glued shut! Yeah, real nice. My conjuctivitis had returned, but I guess I had it coming since I didn't exactly take care of my last one. Should have thrown out all my eye-makeup for once, but my tight budget doesn't really allow me to do such atrocious things... Fortunately, there were some eyedrops at my disposal that helped a tad, but I couldn't wear my lenses at all, which sort of slowed me down a bit. My dear hosts had to move all their stuff to Golfe-Juan (a village 5 mins drive east), since their appartment in Cannes would be rented out to some real-estaters the following week. So we packed our bags and headed off. Saturday night, since it was the International Women's Day, we went to a girls only aperitif with lots of yummy foodlets and desserts, then following that up with some drinks in the Absinthe bar in Antibes. You could get all kinds of funky absinthedrinks there, but I didn't really feel it (had enough the night before), so I ordered a Heineken - can you believe it! The barman looked at me long and hard... I just wasn't in the "fée-verte" mood.
Went back to Paris around five-ish Sunday afternoon. The weather got a bit better so we had coffees semi-outside on the beach in Cannes. All in all it was a really nice and relaxing weekend, just what I needed. It was really good fun to meet my old friend again and talk about old sweet times. Next weekend-trip will hopefully be Barcelona, we'll see where my fundings take me though!
À la prochaine! XXX
Friday we went out for dinner in a really nice French restauraunt (3 course meal, not too shabby at all), and even though it wasn't planned, we decided to go and have some drinks in a bar next door. My friend literally lives around the corner to most hot bars and clubs - tempting? I kid you not! The one drink turned out to mean clubbing and dancing until 4am, we went to all kinds of cool places, the names of which are a bit blurry for obvious reasons, but I think they were Via Notte, The Loft (or Tantra?) and New Cat. Good times indeed.
However, Saturday I woke up, unable to open my eyes - they were glued shut! Yeah, real nice. My conjuctivitis had returned, but I guess I had it coming since I didn't exactly take care of my last one. Should have thrown out all my eye-makeup for once, but my tight budget doesn't really allow me to do such atrocious things... Fortunately, there were some eyedrops at my disposal that helped a tad, but I couldn't wear my lenses at all, which sort of slowed me down a bit. My dear hosts had to move all their stuff to Golfe-Juan (a village 5 mins drive east), since their appartment in Cannes would be rented out to some real-estaters the following week. So we packed our bags and headed off. Saturday night, since it was the International Women's Day, we went to a girls only aperitif with lots of yummy foodlets and desserts, then following that up with some drinks in the Absinthe bar in Antibes. You could get all kinds of funky absinthedrinks there, but I didn't really feel it (had enough the night before), so I ordered a Heineken - can you believe it! The barman looked at me long and hard... I just wasn't in the "fée-verte" mood.
Went back to Paris around five-ish Sunday afternoon. The weather got a bit better so we had coffees semi-outside on the beach in Cannes. All in all it was a really nice and relaxing weekend, just what I needed. It was really good fun to meet my old friend again and talk about old sweet times. Next weekend-trip will hopefully be Barcelona, we'll see where my fundings take me though!
À la prochaine! XXX
mardi 4 mars 2008
Belgian bliss
She went, she saw, she was... moderately impressed. Yes, I went to Brussels. It was alright, I guess. Unfortunately, it's a bit difficult to feel at all swept away by any place after spending six months in Paris. I mean, the first three weeks here, I just walked around with my mouth wide open, in awe, staring at all the pretty buildings. It's magnificent, clean (except for all the doggy poo that is, bien sûr) and structured. Brussels is sort of... not. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, the beer's the best in the world and the chocs to die for. To be honest, my expectations weren't that high anyways, which kept disappointmentlevels low.
After a quite intense Fridaynight; Anika and Damir's terrific "Back to Paris"-party which lasted well into the wee hours of the morning (went to bed around sixish), it's safe to say I arrived in Brussels already feeling a bit rough around the edges. But since I wouldn't let that bring me down, me and my dear au pairing friends took on the town, had lots if not too many drinks, went out clubbing at a très chic boîte called Le You (nice anglicised touch there, don't you think?), and then moved on to some bars to kill some more time in sleepless drunkenness. And also, since the staff at the hostel where we were staying were complete, and I say this with utter respect, ASSHOLES, they wouldn't let us back in between one and seven in the morning, well, we were just forced to stay out until then. Which we did, of course. Me and Amanda, contemporarily known as "the Brave ones", had some greasy Greek (food, nothing else) around 6.30am, and moved directly on to the complementary but ridiculous brekkie served at the hostel (after sneering at the receptionist in a spiteful manner). Slept for about two hours, checked out and accompanied the rest of the voyageurs to a little Belgian town near the coast called Brügge. This little picturesque village is also called the Venice of Northern Europe, which I sort of disagree with, only I shouldn't since I've never really been to Venice in the first place so I have no clue what it's like, but none the less it was rather cute and cosy. Had lunch (pizza - being hungover like an egg), did some touristing, and then we steered our vehicle back to Paris.
All in all it was a satisfying weekend, regardless of the lack of sleep and malturns with the hostel. Met some really cool people and was vacantly amused, so I guess a good 7 out of 10 wouldn't be an exaggeration.
I'm free from au pair and class work this week, the Mottes went to London this morning and there simply aren't any classes this week at la Sorbonne, so yay to me, I'm free! Going to Cannes Thursday morning as planned and will stay there until Sunday. Hoping to catch some beams, my skin hasn't seen proper sunlight in eons. Look like an asparagus, oh... right, the white kind I mean. Anywho, that about sums it up. Tomorrow I will engage myself in one more "sortie" with my beloved friends, perhaps even catch some after work at le cercle suèdois, who knows?
Take care you all, puss och kram!
After a quite intense Fridaynight; Anika and Damir's terrific "Back to Paris"-party which lasted well into the wee hours of the morning (went to bed around sixish), it's safe to say I arrived in Brussels already feeling a bit rough around the edges. But since I wouldn't let that bring me down, me and my dear au pairing friends took on the town, had lots if not too many drinks, went out clubbing at a très chic boîte called Le You (nice anglicised touch there, don't you think?), and then moved on to some bars to kill some more time in sleepless drunkenness. And also, since the staff at the hostel where we were staying were complete, and I say this with utter respect, ASSHOLES, they wouldn't let us back in between one and seven in the morning, well, we were just forced to stay out until then. Which we did, of course. Me and Amanda, contemporarily known as "the Brave ones", had some greasy Greek (food, nothing else) around 6.30am, and moved directly on to the complementary but ridiculous brekkie served at the hostel (after sneering at the receptionist in a spiteful manner). Slept for about two hours, checked out and accompanied the rest of the voyageurs to a little Belgian town near the coast called Brügge. This little picturesque village is also called the Venice of Northern Europe, which I sort of disagree with, only I shouldn't since I've never really been to Venice in the first place so I have no clue what it's like, but none the less it was rather cute and cosy. Had lunch (pizza - being hungover like an egg), did some touristing, and then we steered our vehicle back to Paris.
All in all it was a satisfying weekend, regardless of the lack of sleep and malturns with the hostel. Met some really cool people and was vacantly amused, so I guess a good 7 out of 10 wouldn't be an exaggeration.
I'm free from au pair and class work this week, the Mottes went to London this morning and there simply aren't any classes this week at la Sorbonne, so yay to me, I'm free! Going to Cannes Thursday morning as planned and will stay there until Sunday. Hoping to catch some beams, my skin hasn't seen proper sunlight in eons. Look like an asparagus, oh... right, the white kind I mean. Anywho, that about sums it up. Tomorrow I will engage myself in one more "sortie" with my beloved friends, perhaps even catch some after work at le cercle suèdois, who knows?
Take care you all, puss och kram!
mardi 26 février 2008
Merde alors...

So after much faffing about it seems as if though I won't be able to run in the Gothenburg race after all... The sign-up closed January 31st, and me being me, I totally flunked out. Even though my boss was nice enough to include me in the corporate team, confusion and miscomprehension mixed together - long story short - I lost my spot. What can I say, I'm really disappointed. Hoping now for nothing but divine intervention, I will go home that weekend anyway (16-19 May). Have to do some stuff for school, so I might just aswell.
Speaking of school, Sorbonne's treating me nicely, it is indeed tough at times but I think (or rather I hope) I will manage to get through it. Have met some really awsome people (classmates in picture, in the metro) and I'm enjoying myself a lot. Many parties, though, I wonder why that is (ha!) - a bit rough healthwise - guess I'm not 20 anymore! Oh, yes indeed, the glorious 25 is approaching with speed! A bit frightening, I have to say. But that means I can have a great big bash this September, and actually me and my cousin have talked about throwing an enormous party (25+25=50), so keep your peepholes open for info about that!
What's more, this week and the next, the kids have their winter schoolholidays, which at times means more work and at others less (some days I work all day, for example). This weekend is of course dedicated to mine and Amanda's Big Belgian adventure to Brussels, and also Damir and Anikas "Welcome back"-party on Friday!! Yay! It'll be a good one...
Next week I'm off to Cannes for a couple of days, maybe will be able to catch some sun, who knows. All in all, it will be a nice break from the Parisian greyness, today it's pouring down and I really do not feel like heading out again... but alas! I must.
Speaking of school, Sorbonne's treating me nicely, it is indeed tough at times but I think (or rather I hope) I will manage to get through it. Have met some really awsome people (classmates in picture, in the metro) and I'm enjoying myself a lot. Many parties, though, I wonder why that is (ha!) - a bit rough healthwise - guess I'm not 20 anymore! Oh, yes indeed, the glorious 25 is approaching with speed! A bit frightening, I have to say. But that means I can have a great big bash this September, and actually me and my cousin have talked about throwing an enormous party (25+25=50), so keep your peepholes open for info about that!
What's more, this week and the next, the kids have their winter schoolholidays, which at times means more work and at others less (some days I work all day, for example). This weekend is of course dedicated to mine and Amanda's Big Belgian adventure to Brussels, and also Damir and Anikas "Welcome back"-party on Friday!! Yay! It'll be a good one...
Next week I'm off to Cannes for a couple of days, maybe will be able to catch some sun, who knows. All in all, it will be a nice break from the Parisian greyness, today it's pouring down and I really do not feel like heading out again... but alas! I must.
lundi 18 février 2008
La Sorbonne
Well well well. Life as a studious student of the Sorbonne has officially started. And... I like it! However, it kicks arse big time, I'm literally positively lost at most of my lectures. Don't think that the professeurs would give you any slack just because you're a poor foreign student - oh no sir! But I'm content, have met some awsome people and it feels so good to actually be doing something useful with my days. Not just hanging around at the Swe church... tsss...
Yesterday the Erasmus association threw a bash - une soirée déguisée (costume party) with the fancy theme "carneval". Me and my new-found friend Danni (from England) bought ourselves some pink featherboas and silvery masks, very dressed up indeed (à la Pride Parade meets trannies). It was all good fun, although I had to leave around midnight Cinderella-style to catch my last train before I turn into a pumpkin (or was I a pumpkin before? Hard to tell, really).
Weather's really nice, we've had lots of sunny days, perfect for pick-nicks in parks and whatnot, strolls in the city - aaahh la belle vie! I do have lots of work though, it's like this big fat clowd of worry, hanging over my head. But I've decided to finish my last Bovary-essay this week, or else! It HAS to be done! Also, since I'm not sick anymore, I'll pick up my excercise-regime, that is a must. Cannot go on like this anymore, or I will turn into a pumpkinshaped piece of meet. No fun whatsoever...
For you guys with Facebook, check out my pictures in the Parisian-album! For the rest, tough shit you won't see any pics...
Alright, until next time, be good!!
Gros bisous
Yesterday the Erasmus association threw a bash - une soirée déguisée (costume party) with the fancy theme "carneval". Me and my new-found friend Danni (from England) bought ourselves some pink featherboas and silvery masks, very dressed up indeed (à la Pride Parade meets trannies). It was all good fun, although I had to leave around midnight Cinderella-style to catch my last train before I turn into a pumpkin (or was I a pumpkin before? Hard to tell, really).
Weather's really nice, we've had lots of sunny days, perfect for pick-nicks in parks and whatnot, strolls in the city - aaahh la belle vie! I do have lots of work though, it's like this big fat clowd of worry, hanging over my head. But I've decided to finish my last Bovary-essay this week, or else! It HAS to be done! Also, since I'm not sick anymore, I'll pick up my excercise-regime, that is a must. Cannot go on like this anymore, or I will turn into a pumpkinshaped piece of meet. No fun whatsoever...
For you guys with Facebook, check out my pictures in the Parisian-album! For the rest, tough shit you won't see any pics...
Alright, until next time, be good!!
Gros bisous
mardi 5 février 2008
Oh, have mercy. After six days of absolute acute sickness, I have returned to the land of the living. Can honestly say I've never been this sick - ever! It started Tuesday afternoon with slight quezyness and aches and pains all over; classic flu-symptomes. Had to stay in bed Wed-Sun, couldn't even muster the strength to watch TV, now that means trouble! Saw a doctor Friday morning, coz I couldn't hack it any more, and he said; Madame, this is no ordinary cold, you have "une GROSSE grippe", good luck with the French ferocious flu. So, yes, I was mighty sick, but now I'm feeling a tad better so there's still hope for the poor old girl.
Right, so that's my week so far, Sorbonne's closing up fast and that takes its toll on my nerves, but I will persist and be brave. Wish me luck. Hopefully I have nicer news with the next blog...
Right, so that's my week so far, Sorbonne's closing up fast and that takes its toll on my nerves, but I will persist and be brave. Wish me luck. Hopefully I have nicer news with the next blog...
mardi 29 janvier 2008
Balzac - Bastille - Bovary

Winter's back! Temperature's crept down to seasonal standards; around 5ish degrees. Which I guess is alright, alTHOUGH it was quite delish with +12 and sun. My lungs hurt yesterday when I went for a run (read: dragged my derrière around the forest) - less pleasant. But hey, gotta keep that exercise-regime tight, or else NOT a successful GBGvarv at all...
Friday night was spent in front of the computer until two AM (while baby-sitting, I am a fan of multi-tasking) tapping away at one of my two remaining bookreports; Balzac. I did get a lot done, so I'm quite content, however dead I was the day after. A day which, on the other hand, was spent in a quite morbid fashion; me and Amanda went touristing and visited Père Lachaise graveyard, where the tombs of all the greats can be found; Molière, Chopin, Piaf, Apollinaire and of course Morrison. Visited monsieur Honoré de Balzac himself, and read some to him out of Le père Goriot (one of the books I'm working on), hope he enjoyed it. Sure he did. He seemed pleased enough. But man was it spooky there! Even had crows sitting in the trees, crowing away. You'd think they added them, just for effect. It worked.
Saturday night we explored le Bastille, said to be known for its many bars, but we didn't really find...that many. Bit disappointed actually, although we weren't really in the mood for great party-tricks anyways. Took the last nighttrain home, around 12.30, rather reasonable hour I do say! No, I haven't gone dull, it's my non-existing economy that wears me down. No money=the biggest partypooper ever. This weekend is pay week-end though; thus I will reclaim my old self and go out big time.
Have started on my last project on the B-course; a "dissertation" (don't know the English word for that, critical essay perhaps?) on Madame Bovary - classic! It's quite a fun read, so I'm excited, but rather antsy to get it done - as are my teachers I'm sure! Breathing down my neck to get all these effing essays in... Well, take a number.
Furthermore, la vie parisienne is great. Have a few weekendtrips planned in Spring, for example Brussels on the 1st of March, don't know what I'll find there, but I guess it's just one of those places one has to see? And perhaps going to Cannes the WE after, more about that later.
So, it's not just all work and no play for me, which is good since I'd probably die of boredom otherwise. Some Very Important Dates (VID) for me, in the nearest future, are:
11 February - Sorbonne courses start (yikes)
15 February - Dad gets his brainscan back (anxiety)
1-2 March - Brussels (but you already know that)
18 April - the Test (with a capital T), entrance to my masters (not at all nervewrecking)
28 April-4 May - going to St Lunaire, Bretagne
16 May - going home to Sweden, 17th is D-day for the Varv (oh yeah)
There, now you know what's up. I'll add if there are any changes. Keep reading and I'll keep blogging (a bit more frequent, I promise).
Gros BISOUS from Paris
Friday night was spent in front of the computer until two AM (while baby-sitting, I am a fan of multi-tasking) tapping away at one of my two remaining bookreports; Balzac. I did get a lot done, so I'm quite content, however dead I was the day after. A day which, on the other hand, was spent in a quite morbid fashion; me and Amanda went touristing and visited Père Lachaise graveyard, where the tombs of all the greats can be found; Molière, Chopin, Piaf, Apollinaire and of course Morrison. Visited monsieur Honoré de Balzac himself, and read some to him out of Le père Goriot (one of the books I'm working on), hope he enjoyed it. Sure he did. He seemed pleased enough. But man was it spooky there! Even had crows sitting in the trees, crowing away. You'd think they added them, just for effect. It worked.
Saturday night we explored le Bastille, said to be known for its many bars, but we didn't really find...that many. Bit disappointed actually, although we weren't really in the mood for great party-tricks anyways. Took the last nighttrain home, around 12.30, rather reasonable hour I do say! No, I haven't gone dull, it's my non-existing economy that wears me down. No money=the biggest partypooper ever. This weekend is pay week-end though; thus I will reclaim my old self and go out big time.
Have started on my last project on the B-course; a "dissertation" (don't know the English word for that, critical essay perhaps?) on Madame Bovary - classic! It's quite a fun read, so I'm excited, but rather antsy to get it done - as are my teachers I'm sure! Breathing down my neck to get all these effing essays in... Well, take a number.
Furthermore, la vie parisienne is great. Have a few weekendtrips planned in Spring, for example Brussels on the 1st of March, don't know what I'll find there, but I guess it's just one of those places one has to see? And perhaps going to Cannes the WE after, more about that later.
So, it's not just all work and no play for me, which is good since I'd probably die of boredom otherwise. Some Very Important Dates (VID) for me, in the nearest future, are:
11 February - Sorbonne courses start (yikes)
15 February - Dad gets his brainscan back (anxiety)
1-2 March - Brussels (but you already know that)
18 April - the Test (with a capital T), entrance to my masters (not at all nervewrecking)
28 April-4 May - going to St Lunaire, Bretagne
16 May - going home to Sweden, 17th is D-day for the Varv (oh yeah)
There, now you know what's up. I'll add if there are any changes. Keep reading and I'll keep blogging (a bit more frequent, I promise).
Gros BISOUS from Paris
lundi 21 janvier 2008
Awkward word, deadline. Morbid enough, atleast. To tell you the truth, I've never taken a liking to it. Officially, I had one last Friday, deadline that is. I was supposed to finish the B-course and start fresh on Saturday with the C-course, move forwards/upwards on my academic ladder. But alas, I'm afraid I did not finish. However, I do adore the University of Gothenburg and their grants of expanded submissiondates. My dear teacher gave me some slack, maybe she felt a bit sorry for me, or was she used to having students breathing down her neck around the 18th of January, I shall never know.
So, whilst being still submerged with work (have still 2,5 bookreports to finish), I toil onwards. I did take a break this weekend though, went out on Friday night and enjoyed the clubscene of Paris; Showcase next to the Seine which offers pretty much anything a girl could ever wish for (except ridiculously overprized drinks!! Preposterous!). I actually ran into a boy, or rather crashed into his abdomen, since this boy in question was two meters tall! I know, it's unheard of; a Frenchie actually taller than me?! Anywho, I was quite taken aback, so my performance was rather poorish, leaving me there bouche bée (gaping mouth). Did dance a lot though, had to stay awake to catch the first morning train at 6.30. Me and Amanda went for a late night snack at Quick, and then camped out at St Lazare (our trainstation), all-in-all it was an excellent night. Saturday was not as active, quite the opposite in fact. Stayed in bed all day (only woke up at 4pm) and ate bon-bons. I mean, why not? I had a rough week...
Sunday was spent at the Swedish church (I know right?), not to pray even though I might need some divine intervention, but to watch a Swedish movie the church-crew screened in the common room; Se upp för dårarna. Excellent film, you should see it. Went for sushi afterwards and spent my last 10 euro, so now I'm officially deadbroke. Quite bad, seeing it's only the 21st and I don't get paid until next week Friday... it's going to be a quite boring week.
The reason for my sudden and coincidental poverty is the Erasmus office, who has issues with paying the scholarships. Apparently there's some kind of delay, what do I know. It has seriously messed with my life though, since it left me unable to pay my bills. Grrr... but I shouldn't be too cross with them, I am indeed very grateful, don't believe otherwise. Just... a bit... antsy...
Other sad news, situation in Holland not improving, rather getting worse and with that my worrying increases of course. To tell you the truth, I'm a wreck over the whole thing. It has left me utterly out of means of action. But we strive on... :(
Right, so instead of being a rebelious blogger I shall return to my duly delayed bookreports and I will let y'all know what's going on a little bit later this week.
Ta Ta, C
So, whilst being still submerged with work (have still 2,5 bookreports to finish), I toil onwards. I did take a break this weekend though, went out on Friday night and enjoyed the clubscene of Paris; Showcase next to the Seine which offers pretty much anything a girl could ever wish for (except ridiculously overprized drinks!! Preposterous!). I actually ran into a boy, or rather crashed into his abdomen, since this boy in question was two meters tall! I know, it's unheard of; a Frenchie actually taller than me?! Anywho, I was quite taken aback, so my performance was rather poorish, leaving me there bouche bée (gaping mouth). Did dance a lot though, had to stay awake to catch the first morning train at 6.30. Me and Amanda went for a late night snack at Quick, and then camped out at St Lazare (our trainstation), all-in-all it was an excellent night. Saturday was not as active, quite the opposite in fact. Stayed in bed all day (only woke up at 4pm) and ate bon-bons. I mean, why not? I had a rough week...
Sunday was spent at the Swedish church (I know right?), not to pray even though I might need some divine intervention, but to watch a Swedish movie the church-crew screened in the common room; Se upp för dårarna. Excellent film, you should see it. Went for sushi afterwards and spent my last 10 euro, so now I'm officially deadbroke. Quite bad, seeing it's only the 21st and I don't get paid until next week Friday... it's going to be a quite boring week.
The reason for my sudden and coincidental poverty is the Erasmus office, who has issues with paying the scholarships. Apparently there's some kind of delay, what do I know. It has seriously messed with my life though, since it left me unable to pay my bills. Grrr... but I shouldn't be too cross with them, I am indeed very grateful, don't believe otherwise. Just... a bit... antsy...
Other sad news, situation in Holland not improving, rather getting worse and with that my worrying increases of course. To tell you the truth, I'm a wreck over the whole thing. It has left me utterly out of means of action. But we strive on... :(
Right, so instead of being a rebelious blogger I shall return to my duly delayed bookreports and I will let y'all know what's going on a little bit later this week.
Ta Ta, C
vendredi 11 janvier 2008
Bonne année et bonnes études
Happy new 2008! A new fresh year, with loads of prospects and promises of prosperity! There's no end to the possibilities, as I always love to exclaim.
Have been home over the Holidays to catch up with all my beloved ones, the days went by far too quickly. Alas, I won't go back until the 16th of May, since the 17th is the D day for me scurrying my little derrière around Göteborg, in a wee humble race nommé Göteborgsvarvet. That's right, Sweden will be Carro-free for the next four months, so...enjoy I guess?
After a bit of a roundtrip through some major cities of Europe (train from G
bg to Copenhagen, flight to Amsterdam, train to Rotterdam and THEN Paris, phew exhausting I'll tell ya! Next time, definitely direct-flight), I finally got back Sunday night to Louveciennes, and now after a couple of days it feels as though I never left. However, I've been restrained to my chambers most of the time (not by the fam! On my own accord...) due to a massive laziness during the holidays which now resulted in me having to study like a maniac. I have a deadline next week on the 18th, when my course officially ends (FYI it's a French distance-cours I'm taking from the University of Gothenburg), thus I need to finish whatever work I have neglected, which pretty much entails everything. Book-reports, book-analyses (Mme Bovary, that'll be a good read), etc etc. Atleast I sent one of the rédactions off last night (at 11.30 pm) after tearing out my hair over Marguerite Duras´ silly little bravado of her escapades in the Far East.
So, it's not all wine and baguettes here in la belle France. On the 11th of February I will join the masses of Sorbonne University and study French, with the French. Oh, I'm scared. They will tear me apart and have me for lunch! Frenchies are known for their ferocity, especially against the meek and foreign. I mean, even the little 8 year old at home laughs vividly at my accent; "Why, I do say, you have one of those Swedish accents when you speak French, how could that be?" How about you try speaking Swedish, child, and we'll see about accents. There!
Naah, the kids are sweet. I mean, they're kids right? Although, being an au pair is without a doubt the best birthcontrol conceptory-pill in the world. 'Course every now and then you get the occasionally "Ah, I'd love one of those little sweethearts, isn't he cuuuute" and then you get yourself together and think about last night when the sweetheart nearly ripped his brother's pyjamas apart, hurling on the top of his lungs. Yes, being an au pair surely gives you perspective on things.
As I said, I won't be coming home to Sweden until Spring has arrived and all the pretty flowers and birds have woken from their wintersleep and whatnot. By the looks of it, Winter won't even come to Paris, we've had +7 degrees and rain all week. Good though, mild weather enables running outdoors. HA! As if that would spur me to go jogging... I really should, ah we'll see, this afternoon I might.
Ta ta, à bientôt! XXX
Have been home over the Holidays to catch up with all my beloved ones, the days went by far too quickly. Alas, I won't go back until the 16th of May, since the 17th is the D day for me scurrying my little derrière around Göteborg, in a wee humble race nommé Göteborgsvarvet. That's right, Sweden will be Carro-free for the next four months, so...enjoy I guess?
After a bit of a roundtrip through some major cities of Europe (train from G

So, it's not all wine and baguettes here in la belle France. On the 11th of February I will join the masses of Sorbonne University and study French, with the French. Oh, I'm scared. They will tear me apart and have me for lunch! Frenchies are known for their ferocity, especially against the meek and foreign. I mean, even the little 8 year old at home laughs vividly at my accent; "Why, I do say, you have one of those Swedish accents when you speak French, how could that be?" How about you try speaking Swedish, child, and we'll see about accents. There!
Naah, the kids are sweet. I mean, they're kids right? Although, being an au pair is without a doubt the best birthcontrol conceptory-pill in the world. 'Course every now and then you get the occasionally "Ah, I'd love one of those little sweethearts, isn't he cuuuute" and then you get yourself together and think about last night when the sweetheart nearly ripped his brother's pyjamas apart, hurling on the top of his lungs. Yes, being an au pair surely gives you perspective on things.
As I said, I won't be coming home to Sweden until Spring has arrived and all the pretty flowers and birds have woken from their wintersleep and whatnot. By the looks of it, Winter won't even come to Paris, we've had +7 degrees and rain all week. Good though, mild weather enables running outdoors. HA! As if that would spur me to go jogging... I really should, ah we'll see, this afternoon I might.
Ta ta, à bientôt! XXX
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